Aflatoun in Ecuador

This week, we would like to highlight the Aflatoun program sponsored by GROW by Organics Unlimited. Aflatoun is a program that helps boys, girls and youth in Guayaquil, Ecuador.

This past year, thanks to the involvement of youth and adult volunteers and mothers, the program was able to form clubs where children were coached on key life-skill elements. These included self-awareness and rights, savings, planning and entrepreneurship.

Over 589 volunteers made this possible and were able to help over 6,200 boys and girls! While these numbers are impressive, they are so much more than just numbers. They represent the verifiable results that prove that the program contributed to improve life skills in children and youth, and that it increased their social responsibility within their communities. Through this program, children even in their early ages were taught to practice the concept of savings, thereby starting them on the road to financial success. Through the rights and responsibilities classes, children and youth were also taught that they are unique persons with rights and responsibilities, thereby preparing them to make good decisions in the future and contribute meaningfully to their communities.
Through programs like Aflatoun, GROW by Organics Unlimited strives to increase the quality of life in these communities.

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GROW Promotes Healthy Smiles in Ecuador