Woman Led: Meet Nicxi, Farm Manager

Women Making a Difference

Organics Unlimited is a proudly woman-owned and woman-led company. We believe that through diversity and inclusion in the workplace we can foster creative collaboration and empowerment that strengthens our communities and economies. To celebrate this year’s Women’s History Month we’re highlighting the women leaders that make us who we are.

From Nature Lover to Natural Leader

Nicxi is a Colima native. Her final college year internship and subsequent first job after graduating was at El Tesoro, the primary farm Organics Unlimited sources from. Her work ethic and dedication enabled her to quickly grow within her role to become Assistant Manager.

After moving to a neighboring farm to master the processing and packing aspects of the operation for a couple of years, she returned in 2021 to become El Tesoro’s first female manager. This achievement is significant in a society where a sexist mindset still prevails. It is no small feat to gain the trust and respect as the leader of an operation such as this one. Today, she oversees the organic production of over 150 hectares of banana farmland. From soil and plant nutrition, to harvest planning, and managing a team of over 100, she is a total super woman.

Nicxi’s love for the plant is immediately sensed whenever you talk to her. She has an absolute respect and sense of wonder for Mother Nature. She is an active member and advocate in women’s organizations in the region.

Q & A with Nicxi

Why are you passionate about what you do?

Nicxi: The career I chose is one of the most beautiful, I am in touch with with nature. I am an Agricultural Engineer and I’m passionate about food production as an art form because it is not manufactured, it is grown and nourished. If we do this in a conscious manner within our society, incredible things happen.

Who has inspired you/who is your role model?

Nicxi: My greatest inspiration are my parents. My father is a coffee farmer and lover of nature. He is a disciplined hard worker, from whom I learned that if you dedicate yourself to what you love, it’s a pleasure to serve.

My mother, a woman who knows no limits when it comes to her goals, instilled in me the power that we have as daughters, mothers, and individuals.

My role model is Dr. Marco Buenrostro, a professor from college who taught me not to doubt my goals and that nothing is impossible. If you believe it you can create it and the limits are only in your mind.

What are your hobbies?

Nicxi: I like to visit new places, especially places where I can experience nature, new cultures, walk on the beach, and see the stars.

What advice would you give a woman who’s just started her career?

Nicxi: Believe in yourself, don’t give up. Think big and visualize your goals, dreams, achievements, etc. Discipline, consistency, and perseverance are tools required to reach your goals. We must believe in ourselves as warriors, as magical, loving, brave, bold, intelligent, strong, and capable leaders.

What values are most important in a leader?

Nicxi: Honesty, service, responsibility, and respect.


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