GROW Scholar: Meet Cintya

Opportunities for Women

The reality is that economic conditions in growing regions can often result in family pressure for girls to drop out of school and help at home. The GROW Program offers girls and young women the resources necessary to continue their education, from middle school through college. Because of this they are able to follow their dreams and help break the cycle of poverty in their communities.

Aspiring to College

Cintya was born in Tecoman, the youngest of nine kids. She grew up and studied in Cerro de Ortega and later went on to Colima to earn her college degree.

She began her college studies in 2008 but in 2010 it was difficult for her to continue her education due to her economic situation. Through the GROW Program and Project Amigo she was able to finish her studies and had a place to live while she finished her school semester.

“Being part of the program gave me the opportunity to meet extraordinary people and the tools that aided my personal development. I had the opportunity to travel abroad and participate in noble projects such as the vision clinic.”

The program had such an impact on her that the friendships she made transcended the length of her participation in the program and continue to this day.

She finished her studies with a master’s in education with a specialty in the administration of centers for learning. Today she is the proud mother of a seven-year-old son and works as a Technical Pedagogy Advisor in special education.

What’s Next for Cintya?

“I still have a long way to go. The process of empowerment has not been easy. I have faced many obstacles but none of them impossible to overcome.”

Cyntia recognizes that at times work can demand so much of women, she shares that it is important to give ourselves room to let off steam and recharge our batteries so that we can keep working toward our goals.

And she isn’t done yet! She hopes to be recognized by her peers for her contribution to centers of education, to establish a non-profit association that supports women victims of domestic abuse, and most importantly, to guide her son in becoming a great part of this next generation.

Way to go Cintya, we’re so proud of you!


Woman Led: Meet Nicxi, Farm Manager


Woman Led: Mayra, our Founder & CEO