Small Growers

At Organics Unlimited, we are entering our peak production time of year for our organic bananas. Typically, April to September are the highest banana-producing months in Mexico. One of the ways we can fulfill high demand is with the help of our small grower partners! Many people have asked us what exactly our relationship with these small growers is.

Our small growers own and operate their own farms. Although they are obligated to follow strict organic farming methods to be certified organic, they are able to hire their own workers. Organics Unlimited provides them with the expertise and also certifies their bananas. In exchange, the small grower operation commits to treating their workers fairly and pay fair market wages.

Farmers who participate in the small grower program are offered a year-long contract from Organics Unlimited. During this year, Organics Unlimited commits to buying their entire supply of organic bananas. In turn, the small growers are able to focus on growing bananas, not on finding customers. Working with small growers empowers the communities around banana growing regions and is just one of the ways that Organics Unlimited gives back to the community!

To learn more about our organic bananas and how you can offer Organics Unlimited and GROW organic bananas in your store, please visit You may also follow Organics Unlimited on Facebook and Twitter for more news.


Merchandising for Summer


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