Merchandising Ideas for Summer

It is safe to say that summer is our favorite season of the year! Fresh produce is in abundance, and there are plenty of picnics and holidays to keep your sales healthy. Bananas, like the fresh organic bananas from Organics Unlimited, are a great summer fruit, especially when merchandised strategically. Here are some summer tips to keep your sales as hot as the weather:

  • Look at other high-selling summer fruits– Summer is a great time for seasonal fruits like berries. Instead of seeing them as a competition, use them to boost to your banana sales. This is where cross-merchandising comes in. Instead of having your customers pick one or the other, have them purchase both! Berries such as blueberries and strawberries go great with bananas. Throw in some pineapple and you have a perfect summer salad or smoothie.

  • Inspire your customers– Provide free recipes for fresh summer fare in your produce department next to the produce your customers would need. Get creative! Summer fruit salads are a must, but also think of creative recipes that your customers would love. Grilled plantains for your summer barbecue are a great idea that is simple and delicious.

  • Theme your displays– Warm months offer a variety of holidays that are great for produce-based meals. Start thinking ahead for ideas such as holiday-themed recipes and décor. As we all know, its never too early to start planning in the retail industry.

  • Let your customers be the inspiration– Is your store in an area with a high-concentration of kids? Take advantage of this by creating displays that are kid-friendly or hosting kid activities in your store. Making bananas on a stick is a healthy and fun summer break activity that children and parents would both love.
    Do you live in a city known for its love of outdoor activities? Most people get outdoors more during the summer months, making it easier to promote the recovery benefits of bananas after exercise.
    Like-wise, if your store is in a busy, urban area you know most people don’t want to spend their free time over a hot stove. Remind them that bananas are a quick, efficient and “pre-packaged by nature” breakfast. The possibilities are endless!

To learn more about our organic bananas and how you can offer Organics Unlimited and GROW organic bananas in your store, please visit You may also follow Organics Unlimited on Facebook and Twitter for more news.


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