Help GROW, Help Communities

In 2005, Organics Unlimited launched its GROW by Organics Unlimited program to provide a better quality of life for banana growing communities. Today, the program is in its 13th year, and has expanded from scholarships and education to include worthy causes such as providing clean drinking water, health education and medical clinics and environmental issues. To celebrate these achievements, and to bring awareness to the program, September has been designated as GROW Month. This is the time when we count on our retailer partners to help us spread the word!

It is well-known that consumers will always give preference to brands that support “feel-good” causes; ones that give back to communities and help the less-fortunate. This means that your customers will be especially receptive to the GROW message, which in turn will boost your sales!

Here is how you can help:

• Visual displays – GROW boxes are fun, colorful and attractive! Make them the centerpiece of your GROW banana display. Consumers will be attracted to the clean, visually-attractive display

• Educate your customers – GROW month is about sharing our mission of social responsibility and sustainability. Let your customers know that every purchase of a GROW banana will help improve access to quality health care, education, housing and more. You can spread the word by using merchandising point-of-purchase materials created by Organics Unlimited. You can request these directly via email.

• Volunteer to promote GROW bananas and your store – Hosting a fun activity, such as GROW banana tasting, or making a recipe in store using GROW bananas will entertain kids and engage parents!

At GROW by Organics Unlimited we know that sustainability is the fruit of healthy communities. We really count on you to help us spread the word and  improve the quality of life for entire communities.

To learn more about our organic bananas and how you can offer Organics Unlimited and GROW organic bananas in your store, please visit You may also follow Organics Unlimited on Facebook and Twitter for more news.


GROW Brings Smiles from Ecuador


So Excited for GROW Month!