GROW Brings Christmas Cheer!

For many children in poverty-stricken banana growing regions, the holidays can a time when lack of resources is felt especially strongly. GROW by Organics Unlimited seeks to change that by bringing a bit of Christmas cheer to these children by hosting a special event centered around the Mexican tradition of the Posada. Every year, elementary-aged children in Colima are selected for a merit-based educational scholarship. The year before they embark on their scholarship experience, these students are treated to a special Christmas event organized just for them.  The children are brought in to Colima, where they get a complete outfit consisting of jeans or pants, shoes, socks and a shirt. They can try on the clothing and shoes, ensuring everything fits. Once they are happy with their new clothing, they are also given a toy at the end of that week, the same children are once again invited back to Colima for a Christmas Party. At this party, the children can wear their new outfits if they choose, and are treated to food, music and holiday festivities.

It is difficult to image a world without the basic comforts we enjoy, but for some communities, the things we take for granted are far out of reach. Likewise, for many of these children, this Christmas party is the first exposure they have to a world outside of their own. For many, it will be the first time they enjoy new clothing. For others, it will be the first time they can relax, and enjoy being a kid having fun at a party. Many students have said that this simple act of a Christmas party opened their eyes to the fact that there is so much more the world than what they had experienced so far, and that knowledge gave them hope and the desire to succeed.

If you would like to help GROW by Organics Unlimited spread hope to even more members of these communities, please consider promoting and carrying GROW bananas in your store. A portion of every purchase goes to the GROW fund, which helps entire communities in poverty-stricken areas with things like housing, education, healthcare, clean water and more. Together we can bring hope and in doing so also increase quality of life for so many.

To learn more about our organic bananas and how you can offer Organics Unlimited and GROW organic bananas in your store, please visit You may also follow Organics Unlimited on Facebook and Twitter for more news.


Happy Holidays!


GROW Month a Success!