GROW Helps Students Succeed

GROW by Organics Unlimited helps communities around our banana-growing areas with funds raised from purchases of every GROW banana. Funds from GROW go to many diverse projects, one of which is education. We know that consumers will generally gravitate towards brands that make a difference, but we also know that just the knowledge of helping is not always enough. Sometimes we need to know our purchase is making a difference.

For this reason, we are happy to share with you an update from our GROW program in Mexico on how your purchases of GROW bananas are helping young people to succeed!

  • Twenty students at the 6th grade level – All 20 students are graduating and are applying to continue their education to the 7th grade. They are enthusiastic and grateful for their education and support.  These students participated in various programs including homework clubs, book distributions and nutrition classes. All students maintained high grades, participated actively in community service and were active participants of Project Amigo!

  • Six students at “Becarios de secundaria” (Junior High) – All six students are graduating and are continuing to their Senior High studies. Each of these students are at the highest education levels of their respective families.

  • Four students at the University level – All four students are continuing their education. Areas of specialty include:  Education, Accounting, International Relations and Architecture.

  • Five additional students have been accepted to the University of Colima starting in the fall. Each of the students are currently Project Amigo scholars and have completed their high school studies.

  • Thirty-one students are currently being supported by GROW – 30 of those students are continuing their education.

On behalf of all of the students and families aided by GROW funds, we thank you for your help. Your support has helped us cultivate an environment where education is a key to success, and as we all know, by encouraging children to pursue their full potential, communities become stronger.

To learn more about our organic bananas and how you can offer Organics Unlimited and GROW organic bananas in your store, please visit You may also follow Organics Unlimited on Facebook and Twitter for more news.


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