Banana Trends

According to FreshFacts on Retail, 2017 Year In Review, published by United Fresh, bananas continue to be the number one selling item in the produce department in the United States.  This comes as no surprise. When you really think about it, bananas are one of the most perfect fruit. They are convenient to store and carry on your daily commute, come pre-wrapped by nature, and from cereal toppers to smoothies, are very versatile.

Not only are bananas a staple of everyday shoppers, but sales of organic bananas are also growing. Organically grown bananas contributed to 1 percent of organic produce sales, and their popularity is on the rise — growing at double digits vs. other organic produce items, according to 2018 Nielsen Perishables Group data.

Although we may be tempted to think that bananas sell themselves, there are things retailers can do to further boost sales. Paying attention to the ripeness of the bananas you are displaying is crucial. Just as consumers will not buy over-ripe bananas, green bananas are also a deterrent. Some companies sell and display banana bunches in plastic bags. However, this can hasten ripening and ultimately shrink. That is why Organics Unlimited bananas are banded by bunch and there is a sticker on each fruit.

Once your bananas are ready for display, choose attractive and informative displays. You also want a distinction in a display, so shoppers know which bananas are organic and which are conventional.

With just a little bit of strategic  thinking you can help boost banana sales all year long!

To learn more about our organic bananas and how you can offer Organics Unlimited and GROW organic bananas in your store, please visit You may also follow Organics Unlimited on Facebook and Twitter for more news.


Caring for the Environment One Banana at a Time


Happy Holidays!