GROW Month is Almost Here!

In September, GROW by Organics Unlimited will be kicking off GROW month and we need your help!  GROW month is when we promote GROW (our social responsibility program) and take the opportunity to educate and inspire our consumers to make a difference through their GROW purchases. What does this mean for you? Please start thinking about your merchandising displays and about other ways you can help. We need stores that are willing to host community events such as banana tasting, kid’s events, etc. We also need stores that are ok with live footage being shot inside the store by news crews. If you want to help us, please send us an email!

With each box of GROW bananas sold, a portion of the proceeds go into the GROW Fund. These donations are managed and distributed by the International Community Foundation. Project Amigo in Mexico and Children International in Ecuador are two organizations where GROW has helped build better communities and have changed the lives of many. With the financial support they receive from the GROW label, Project Amigo is able to provide communities with vision clinics, dental clinics, literacy and educational programs. These services are vital to the community and quite successful. Over 90% of the students that are a part of the Project Amigo scholarship program are attending the university and many have graduated to become very successful. Some of those success stories have continued to be a part of their community and have helped the current students in their health and education.

Please consider helping us in helping our communities! With your support in purchasing GROW bananas or creating visual appealing merchandising displays with GROW bananas, together we can make a difference in the banana growing communities.

For more information on how you can help support please visit our GROW website.


Organics Unlimited Welcomes New Member!


OPS is Almost Here!