CBS 8 Feature: An Overview of How Our GROW Program is Helping Those in Need

Jeff Zevely of CBS 8 recently sat down with our team to discuss the ways our GROW program has shaped countless lives and how a simple choice you make in your produce aisle could help families in need in Mexico.

We’re not your average produce company, and that’s something we’re perfectly fine with. In the article, Jeff captures our mission simply:

At Organics Unlimited, they believe that the healthiest and most sustainable tropical fruits are grown organically. With a primary focus on bananas, they are growers first, importing top quality fruit from their farms and from other farms they supervise.

Jeff Zevely, CBS 8 News

As a four generation family business, our roots run strong and we cling to the vision our founders had. These values guide everything we do, and, most notably, inspired the founding of our GROW program:

Organics Unlimited has program called GROW which stands for Giving Resources and Opportunities to Workers in hopes of breaking the cycle of poverty.  The GROW program started in 2005. The family gives away 60 cents from every box of bananas. Add it all up and they’ve given away almost two million dollars.  That money helps fund scholarships, dental and vision clinics and much more.

Jeff Zevely, CBS 8 News

Through this life changing program, funded by the sales of our GROW bananas, we have been able to help so many people in need. As our CEO Mayra puts it, “You feel so much pride when you see a kid who could have not even gone to high school become a doctor or an accountant.” All of which is possible due to the community of conscious consumers we have fostered.

To read the full article and get the entire story, head over to CBS 8.


[Video] How Organic Farming Benefits the Environment


GROW in Action – Holiday Cheer